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Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred
Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred

Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart. Drunvalo Melchizedek

Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart
ISBN: 1891824430,9781891824432 | 64 pages | 2 Mb

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Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart Drunvalo Melchizedek

A moment in which we can enter the balanced state of Divine masculine and feminine energy, both within ourselves and co-create this in our outer worlds. When I By slowing down to listen to your inner world you are also developing more space for your heart and left brain to be in sync. And calm, compassionate interfaith dialogue can create space to unpack them constructively in a way that shouting matches ultimately cannot. When you live through love, you open to all that life has to offer with passion and acceptance. I need a sacred space, whether that is in my head or in an actual location, to have the peace of mind so that I can develop the thinking that will get me to all 5 goals that Marc has listed. A reverent attitude- our inner worlds are a sacred space; Relaxation; Gentle, directed focus of attention; When the mind wanders, gentle non-judgmental redirection of the attention back to the object of the meditation; A brief period of silent reflection during the ending Begin by taking three deep breaths in through your nose. These differences, of course, exist not only between communities but also within them. Don't spend time staring at locked The spheres contained an energy light form of life called Ur'naga that was summoned by the healer to enter a field of energy the healer had created through the mind-heart frequency. The sacred feminine energy perspective as we evolve. Leave all distraction behind and follow that thread that leads you through the labyrinth into the sunlight of your Heart Stream. Love isn't for the faint of heart. Breathe in slowly, gently and appreciatively drawing the air and its life giving oxygen into the deepest part of your lungs, then thoroughly exhale. Your breath carries you into a “resting” state within your heart to naturally calm your mind. Here, the Heart of Jesus is a place of refuge and welcome, a shelter, a safe place, a place of peace where every burden is laid down, every fear put to rest. Accountability is the most pertinent empowerment principle to integrate once you step into the emancipated path of conscious living. In this sacred space of standing in our balanced power ~ we access the fierce lion~heart within. Being a business owner and a healer continually teaches me that not only am I in charge of creating my life each day, but also that I AM my business. Your physical sensations and emotions are doorways to enter into an embodied relationship with yourself. So the Ur'naga and the Focus on creating a sacred space for yourself – for your interior being. And most importantly, love and fear can't coexist.

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